Too much birthday and a break from blogging

We have a hallway in our house with built-in bookshelves.

The third shelf up is where the children’s books lay (just out of reach of toddlers with an affinity for page-ripping). The books are all different sizes and shapes, textures and topics — but in the middle sits a stack of my favorites, the Berenstain Bear books from my own childhood.

I remember these books fondly because I can remember sitting under my windowsill in the 80’s and flipping through them in the afternoon sun. The illustrations still fill me with nostalgia and I so enjoy reading them again with my little ones.

One of the book titles has become a saying around our house: “Too Much Birthday.”

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It’s the book where Sister Bear has a big ole’ birthday bash and the busyness of it all brings her to tears.

It’s proof there can be too much of a good thing. It’s the result of too much chocolate and partying and excitement. It’s a sugar-crashed, over-stimulated, wound-up melt-down — and it’s a feeling the young and old can both relate to when the action is just a little bit too much.

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I was reading this book with my 5-year-old tonight and found it fitting for a season that can be prone to being “too much.” Around here this year, I am taking a cue from the Silent Night lyrics and trying to keep things calm and bright (as much as possible).

And as usual, I’m trying best to focus on what really matters (and don’t we hear that every year, but it’s so easy to get distracted!) It’s easy to live life like one big to-do list all year long — not just at Christmas — but if any time of the year is one to slow down and take time for stillness, I think this is a good one.

And that way, in our still moments, we can focus on the most important birthday. The one that is the reason for all the celebration anyway.


Have a wonderful holiday, friends. I’ll be taking a break from blogging until after Christmas to enjoy this very special time of reflection, celebration and joy.

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